Roper Wall

Owner |

I was born into archery!

My mom loved the sport and her love of archery was so contagious that it wasn’t long before I fell in love with it. As a child we traveled the country shooting tournaments every weekend. It was a normal family rhythm for our family to travel to tournaments on Friday and return home late on Sundays.

I shot my first archery deer at the age of 8 with my blue PSE Bandit we had purchased at Smithfield archery. I worked my tail off all summer to pull the 35 lbs draw the state of Texas required for archery hunting. When deer season arrived, I found myself alone in tripod stand. My mom thought I would not sit still long enough to see a deer, much less harvest a yearling at 8 yards! This first hunting experience ignited a fire in me that still burns today.

Legacy Archery is more than a business and family heritage to me. The 3 arrows in the logo represent my three children and serve as a daily reminder of the legacy I want to leave with them. My desire as a father is to leave them more than a business. I want to leave a love for Jesus, a work ethic, and a spirit to serve others. As I model this for my family, my goal is that you as a customer will witness a culture of loving Jesus, hard work, and customer service each time you enter Legacy Archery.

Legacy Archery is a home to every archer, no matter your experience level. People of all ages, archery styles, and backgrounds are welcome. Allow the Legacy Archery team to introduce or grow you to the discipline of archery so you can begin and carry out your legacy.

I was born into archery … Legacy Archery is helping me live out my legacy.

Roper Wall